Lotus Flower

Man receiving Reiki treatment

Man receiving Reiki Treatment

Lotus Flower
Light of Reiki
Wellness & Learning Center
Learn how Reiki can change your life!
The following in-person reiki training classes will be held at Light of Reiki Wellness Studio in Huntington Beach. Classes must be pre-paid prior to the start of class by the payment due dates listed. Please contact Briggitte Mulholland @714-468-5538 with any questions. New classes are being added regularly. Please check back often to see our new schedule of classes.

Reiki Level 1 Certification
Reiki history, principles, hand positions and basic reiki techniques from both the traditional Japanese and Western styles of reiki will be taught. Learn about the aura, chakras, and the body's energy system.
This class will combine lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice. Students will be attuned to the Level 1 Reiki energy and be taught how to do reiki on themselves and others. There will be opportunities to practice a full self-healing as well as to practice exchanging Reiki with other classmates.
Prerequisite for this class: None
(Please note that Level 1 certification is a pre-requisite before going on to take Reiki Level 2 class.)
** Private One-On-One and small group classes are also available to better
fit your schedule. Call 714-468-5548 for details and to arrange dates/times.**
Cost: $200
Deposit: $100 due 2 week before start of class, $100 balance due 1 week before class.
Paypal ID: LightofReikiWellness@gmail.com
Prepayment must be made through Paypal to be registered for this class. Prepaid fee is Non-Refundable unless the class is cancelled or re-scheduled by the instructor.
The class fee includes a Reiki Level 1 Manual and a personalized certificate of completion.
**Registration closes by midnight, 1 week before class begins.**
Date: TBA
Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm

Reiki Level 2 Certification
Reiki symbols, mantras, and advanced healing techniques for specific purposes will be taught. Distance healing symbol will be taught to “send” Reiki to anyone, to anywhere, and to any time with the same effectiveness.
You will learn how to use distance reiki to focus and connect your energy with others to help them heal mental/emotional issues.
Learn how to integrate Reiki energy into your everyday life such as to increase abundance or to develop your intuition.
Learn guided visualizations and meditations to deepen your spirituality, intuition, and peace.
Learn to see the aura and to balance the chakras with a pendulum.
Students will be attuned to the Level 2 Reiki energy with opportunities to practice Reiki with other classmates.
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1 Certificate
Level 2 certification is a pre-requisite to go on to Reiki Level 3 (Master/Teacher Level) class.
** Private One-On-One and small group classes are also available to better
fit your schedule. Call 714-468-5548 for details and to arrange dates/times.**
Cost: $250
Deposit: $125 due 2 week before start of class, $125 balance due 1 week before class.
Paypal ID: LightofReikiWellness@gmail.com
Prepayment must be made through Paypal to be registered for this class. Prepaid fee is Non-Refundable unless the class is cancelled or re-scheduled by the instructor.
**The class fee includes a Reiki Level 2 Manual and a personalized certificate of completion.**
**Registration closes by midnight, 1 week before class begins.**
Date: TBA
Time: 1:00 - 6:00 pm

Reiki Master Teacher Certification
Reiki Master Teacher Certifiation is a TWO DAY class, on Saturday AND Sunday from 10 am - 6 pm. This class combines lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice.
On Day 1, we will focus on the personal development of a Reiki Master, understanding the spiritual and philosophical aspects of Reiki, and exploring how to incorporate Reiki practice into one's daily life before one can become a Reiki Teacher.
The Reiki Master symbols, mantras, and techniques will be taught. Students will be attuned to the Level 3 Reiki Master/Teacher energy.
On Day 2, we will focus on learning how to perform both the Japanese and Western styles of attunements on others. There will be opportunities to practice both styles of attunements on other classmates.
How to become a professional Reiki Practitioner and/or Teacher will be discussed including all the "must-knows" before starting your own Reiki business.
Prerequisite: Reiki Level 2 Certificate of Completion from myself or a recognized Reiki Master Teacher.
This class includes the Reiki Master Teacher Kit:
• Reiki Level 3 Reiki Master Teacher Manual
• Teacher's Templates CD (which include editable manuals and certificates of completion for Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3 in Microsoft Word format.
• Personalized certificate of completion
To Register: TBA (There are no group classes scheduled at this time.)
** Private One-On-One and small group classes are also available to better
fit your schedule. Call 714-468-5548 for details and to arrange dates/times.**
Cost: $500
Deposit: $250 Deposit due 2 week before start of class, balance due 1 week before class.
Paypal ID: LightofReikiWellness@gmail.com
Payment must be made through Paypal to be registered for this class. Deposit
is Non-Refundable unless the class is cancelled or re-scheduled by the instructor. (The usual cost for a Reiki Master Teacher class is between $400-$1,000+.)
**Registration closes by midnight, 1 week before class begins.**
Date: TBA ( Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm